Among my many explorations in Jiaxing, I have stumbled across many fairs.Yes amusement parks. Ones mainly for little kids, but they can be found scattered throughout the city. In parks, at the "mall" and even by the lakes and rivers. It sounds strange at first, but when considering the laid-back, evenly paced life here in Jiaxing, it only makes sense that they would have several sources of amusement. 
I was lucky enough to find one that was surrounded by creepy little clown figures. I think they would be illegal in the United States due to the amount of terror they bring at first glance.

I TOLD you they were CREEPY!!!

JiaXing Mall

The night scene in the JiaXing Mall area is also very fair-like. There is an enormous ferris-wheel in-between McDonalds and Wal-Mart. There is also a Papa Johns, STARBUCKS, a tea house and a Movie Cinema. This is all just a 10 minute walk from my apartment!!! Gotta Love JiaXing!!!

There were tons of cute little Chinese children riding these rides and squealing withe delight. I found a nice cafe' overlooking al the lights and attractions. When I first went to the Cafe' I was one of three people and by the time my americano arrived, the place was packed with curious Chinese coming to get a closer look at this strange Blonde "laowei" (foreigner) sipping her coffee and taking in all the new sights.

Jiaxing is unlike any other I have seen in China. It is the essence of traditional China. One that has not been touched by the western world to the extent that it still maintains its unique traditional traits. 
The nice thing about Jiaxing is its ideal location. Not only the beautiful lakes a rivers but it is also a 30 min train ride to Shanghai and a 2 hour flight to almost anywhere else.
I have enjoyed my past few days here, getting out, making new friends and exploring. My internship is going very well and I have a great apartment all to myself. The food is delicious and the people are kind, what more could anybody ask for?

This is Pagoda on the South Lake of Jiaxing. It is beautiful and when I went by there was a wedding party taking photos and I got to be in a few with the bride. As well as see her being carried to the wedding. It was very fun.

More of JiaXing Scenery