Emma and Joyce at our table packed with food!
Joyce and I
Enjoying my Lotus Blossom tea
Emma and Joyce are two Alpine Pro employees that I have gotten to know during my time here. They are around my age and are super sweet and very welcoming. As I was getting to know them I asked them what girls our age do together here in China. Like in the US we will get coffee or go shopping, I figured that it would be pretty much the same here. Well the answer was yes the girls here do hang out and talk just like the girls in the US but instead of going to coffee shops to catch up on all the latest gossip, they go to tea houses. I asked them what exactly that was. Basically, you pay for some tea and then fill your belly on a scrumptious buffet of fruits, and delicious chinese dishes and finger food while catching up with the girls. I had never heard of such a glorious thing and they could tell by the curiosity in my eyes that I wanted to see this for myself. So when they invited me to join them on Thursday night for a Tea Party I was thrilled.
When we walked into the tea house, I was taken aback at the beautiful oriental scene before me. Evertyhing about it was truly Chinese from the couches, decorations, vases, to the beautiful instrumental Chinse music in the background. You only see places like this in movies!! I think I  was the first westerner ever to go in there because as I walked in, the waitresses were all gathering to look at me and flooding Joyce and Emma with questions.

Rachel is De-feet-ed

AHH!! This chicken foot feels like fingers!!
Just look at those talons
Once we ordered our tea, we went to the food platters and loaded up our plates. When I came back to the table I was surprised to see that the staff had brought several other dishes to our table. As I sipped on my Lotus Blossom tea, I began to try the food on the table. There were so many new flavors and foods that I never knew existed!! Some things I will never know what they were and some Emma tried to explain to me in english. It was absolutely wonderful. I enjoyed every minute and savored every flavor....that is...except one...the CHICKEN FEET. Yes as they brought that to our table and I was filled with dread as I faced these little feet that looked an awful lot like baby fingers... Emma and Joyce were very excited to eat these tasty morsels (they are a delicacy here and considered very delicious). I however, thought otherwise. Now, I can eat spiders and scorpions, but things that resemble and feel like fingers, just get me. I looked at the Chicken feet in front of me and glanced up at Emma and Joyce. They were watching me eagerly and urging me to try them. I didn't want to disappoint these girls, so I put the chicken foot in my mouth. The girls smiled! "You will love it Rachel, they are VERY delicious." As I tried to hide my disgust I began to chew on the foot. However, as soon as I felt the Chicken's toe nail and the rubbery skin, I knew I was "deFEETed". I forced myself to swallow it and looked at the girls, "I really can't do it.....I'm sorry." They understood and thought it was funny and were pleased that I had a least tried this brave "feat".

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