Today at my internship I had the privilege of talking with one of the Alpine Pro employees named Jenny. She is the head merchandiser here and probably one of the wisest people I know. I sat down with her for an english lesson, to which, I ended up gaining way more than I had expected.
Jenny is very smart and he english is fantastic. She knows the in's and out's of the business and knows the ways to be succesful. According to her, the best way to besucessful is to 1. have knowledge and 2. put it into practice. You must challenge yourself to know every angle of the business you are in. In Jenny's case as a merchandiser "Know how to do every single stitch." Even though she does not physically make the Alpine Pro sports wear, she can look at a garment and know what stitching was done, the quality of the materials, what is a good price and what kind of person will purchase it. 
Advice that she gave me was that successful people 1. Have a very large heart. They are willing to bend down and understand the people they work with. They are willing to put aside their own needs and look out for others. 2. experience. In Jenny's words "You must have experience. Or else how can you know what you are doing, let alone what others you work with are doing?  Each corner of a task looks a different and takes a different approach. It takes everybody working together as a team to communicate their ideas, expertise and skills to make a company work." Wow! Jenny completely blew my mind. I was so impressed and learned from her in one hour more than I could days elsewhere. 

The other thing that amazed me was that as we spoke, the cultural difference were cast aside, the differences in age, background and even personalities. That is the beauty of working with other people who are different from you when you can really reach the core of a relationship when you can talk one to one with with nothing holding you back.
This experience is one that I hope to have similar ones during my stay in China. It is definitely something that I will bring back with me to the US. Sometimes I had found that people who have the same culture, values, backgrounds, age and personalities in common, still can't even reach this level of relational conection that I have found in China.

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