Yes, this is cappuccino flavored gum!! AND it is quite delicious! Like a cappuccino in your mouth!!
It seems only fair for me to dedicate an entire blog to coffee, as it has been my constant companion these weeks in China. Yes, it is a good thing that coffee isn't addicting or else I probably would addicted to it! But thankfully I am not, for me, its more of a hobby. The Chinese people find it amusing how much coffee I drink in a given day. To them coffee is not AS much of a daily routine, or even weekly. I try to explain why I love places like Starbucks and why "yes this is my fourth cup today" and "yes I can still sleep at night". My co-workers think it is amusing when they come in  to my office for an english lesson or to discuss something with me and, always, without fail, I have an Alpine Pro mug filled with hot coffee in hand.
I will admit, instant coffee is not my favorite, nor had I ever drank it before coming to China, but when a coffee maker and a bakery that sells brewed coffee is hard to come by, "Caffeine Survival Mode" sets in.

Don't even try to guess how long it took me to go through this entire box of little instant coffee packages....
The instant coffee drinks here are "not so good", but at least I have them!! Thank you Nescafe!! What would I do with out you!?

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