It was wonderful to be reunited with Emily!!!
So this weekend I travelled up to Shanghai to visit Jackie, my great friend who also did the Holland Fellows program with me. It was quite an adventure to get there...took a taxi to the bus station, a bus to the train station, a train to the metro station and a metro to another metro which led to the metro station which led me to Shanghai and of course JAckie!. Finding your way around China is a fun task but takes a lot of attention and planning. The Chinese people were very wonderful and helped me if i had any problems, which was NEVER the case ;)

Jackie and I went to the Oriental Pearl Tower, which is a great land mark in Shanghai's skyline. The neat thing about this building is that it has three "pearls" that you can go up inside. My favorite one was the one made of glass...yep you guessed it...glass!! the floor and everything! It was strange at first going out and walking on what felt like meters of air!! 

After spending a considerable a=mount of time in Peoples square, wandering around the "match-making market" we eventually tabbed dinner at a restaurant just nearby the metro station. Lesson #1 always order something that has a picture next to it...that way you at least have an idea before-hand of what you are ordering. 

HIGHLIGHT: We met up with Aaron, a HF alumni, and our Holland Fellows partners from  Fudan University, It was great to see them and reunite. I am hoping to see some of them down in JiaXing for the DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL!! It should be fantastic!!!!! Then go to their Fudan graduation on June 30!!

Heres to the four of us!!!!
John was an amazing partner in the Holland Fellows program! I could not have asked for a better one!!!

The Oriental Pearl Tower

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