I took the Bullet train up to Shanghai this weekend to meet up with Jackie to go to our Holland Fellow friends' graduation from Fudan University!! 
We began our day by searching and searching to find a rumored Dunkin' Donuts. After many hours of wandering in the blistering heat we finally found it!! After a delicious breakfast of donuts and coffee we headed out to do some exploring and shopping. We shopped around a bit, then took a looooooong subway ride to Fudan's campus. We got there earlier than expected of course we went to our FAV dumpling place and had the most delicious dumplings everrrrr!! (we had discovered this place while we were doing the Holland Fellows program at Fudan.) Our feet were aching so we stopped and go FOOT MASSAGES!! It was incredible!!! My feet have never felt so glorious!! 
After that we went to meet up with Cathy, George and Grace. We saw Emily and Virginia do their red carpet walk (they looked absolutely beautiful!!). Then we all went to dinner and met up with Tao, Robert and Aaron. After that we attended their Fudan University talent show/farewell ceremony. Where we got to see Grace do her hip hop dance and Michael sing!! It was so much fun!!! 
After that Jackie and I trudged home on subway after subway. The next morning we die more shopping and exploring of YuYuen Gardens in Shanghai. It was hot and crowded, but we had a blast! Even got some bubble tea!!

Beautiful Emily!
Beautiful Virginia!
Michael and I
Eatin' Dumplins'
Jackie is in HEAVEN!!!
Gettin' a foot massage!!!
Cathy and I
John and I at Fudan University
Of course...George making his "creepy" face!!
My train ride back to Jiaxing was quite an adventure. When I purchased my tickets I had not realized that my ticket back was set for the 30th of June, and I was planning on going back the 1st of July. Me, being very oblivious to this fact attempted to board the train with an invalid ticket. When I went to the ticket check the machine kept rejecting it. I just gave a confused look to the lady checking tickets and she smiled and let me through. Once I boarded the train, I went and found my seat, only to be approached by and elderly lady showing me her seat number and I realized that I was in her seat. looked down at my ticket and it also said car 5 seat 03D and so did hers. I was so confused!! Then they pointed to the date on my ticket 2012.06.30. OOPS!!!! My heart sank!! Oh no!! My train was YESTERDAY!!! I gave the lady HER seat back and stood at the front of the train. A little while later somebody motioned for me to go sit in an empty seat in the car ahead of me. I thought "Ok, well i guess it is better than standing". So I went and sat down, in FIRST CLASS!! Yes, that is rights they gave me a first class seat. I was in heaven!! And very thankful that I even got on the train!! Once I arrived back in Jiaxing, I was a little nervous about the ticket check at the exit of the station. But once again, it was no problem, They just looked at me, smiled and let me through!! I love China!! Even when I make mistakes, like taking my train a day late, everything just comes together with a smile!!! I quickly boarded the last bus 97 bound for downtown Jiaxing and heaved a sigh of relief!! Almost home!!
The Shanghai Hongqiao Railway station on a calm day!! lol
7/4/2012 05:11:44 pm

It looks like you gals/guys had tons of fun! Wish I could have been there :) Emily and Virginia you looked gorgeous in your graduation attire! And Jackie I am totally jealous of that Dunkin Donuts, how were they???


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